Sunday, 24 April 2016

Paducah quilt Festival

After Cancun we flew to Chicago for an overnight stopover, then next morning caught one of the two flights a day to Paducah.
The flight took only 59mins, on our arrival, we had a pleasant surprise, as our house hosts, Tony and Elva were at the airport to greet us. The airport in Paducah reminds me a lot like Dubbo. There were
quilts hanging all over the airport.
Tony (our host) was very gracious and asked me is there somewhere I would like to go to....yes Hexie House, paper pieces as I knew Katja Marek was giving a talk, perfect opportunity to buy her book and have it signed.
Hexi House
It is nice to go inside a building, where you get to know where you have ordered your EPP from.
I was lucky enough to also buy MSG new book that has just been released in Nantes.
The next stop was a bright sign, beckoning me.... "FABRIC Sale"
Inside was a very large space and so much fabric, at $3 a yard, what could one do, but buy, buy, buy, I had not even been in Paducah for an hour before I had several yards of fabric.
Hancocks was also mentioned, we drove past...and the line was long. DH looked at a graph on the Hancocks web page and the best time to go was early morning, so that will be tackled on Thursday before I venture into the quilt show at the Convention centre.
We all went to dinner in Calvert City at a place called Crackerbarrel, this restaurant is dry, so DH settled for earl grey tea.
Onto our home for the next 4 days where we will be staying with Tony and Elva.
A double wedding ring quilt graced our bed, how welcoming!
After a comfortable nights sleep, up had breakfast then off to Hancocks, the line was no better and all the coaches were lined up....oh well now or never....
Inside was just as busy, but very organised and I did not have to wait long for my metres of fabric to be cut
Aisle and aisle's of fabric and the crowd.
I had a good 45 mins inside and managed to grab some great fabrics, nice to see the building, this is my favourite place to order fabric from when at home.
After my visit to Hancocks, Elva and DH dropped me off at the convention centre, DH will have some well deserved R & R
The crowds were no better at the quilt show, the quilt show was spread over 3 locations and one was in a big pavilion which took a good 5 mins to walk too, with more vendors inside.
Lunch time was standing room only.
The food area was outside under tents.

I will share a few of the quilts that I really liked as well as the grand prize winner.
These 3 quilts were prize winners

A whole cloth quilted.
One of the first prize winners by Colette Dumont from Canada, aptly named "Victory",this quilt was home machined quilted.
2nd prize winner, home machined quilted, "Why Not " this quilt was amazing and what made it most special, It is Angela  Petrocelli first attempt at making a quilt as well as machine quilted at home, on a domestic machine, she was quite young and as you can see quite talented.
Always nice to run into a fellow Aussie, Karen Styles from Sommerset Cottage, and in the background, is her gorgeous new quilt.
This quilt was creative and appealed to my quirky side.
Great theardwork as well
More thread work
This quilt is another Trispective quilt, similar to the one I saw in Houston in 2014, sign above of what it is called and who made it. Looks like it is the same quilter, great work.
This was s the one from Houston 2014

There was also a double one
One angle, Statue of Liberty
New York Beauty.
To finish off this was my viewers choice, the detail and imagination that went into this quilt was absolutely amazing and so creative.
Some close ups

To sum it all up, there were many amazing quilts and very well displayed. 
I will continue in a later blog about my adventures in Paducah.


  1. Just like being there! How's the excess baggage?

    1. He is fine, but the extra suitcase has come out!, travelled all over Mexico, not a problem, 4 days in Paducah did some damage.
