Friday, 29 April 2016

A day sightseeing, antique shopping, a little fabric and another quilt show

Friday was the day to spend exploring Paducah. FIrst up, DH! ELva and myself visited the rotary quilt show, tickets kindly donated by Randy Bridges to the three of us. ON the walk to the hall where the quilt show was being held, we stopped to honour Chief Paduch, who the city was named after.
I love early Native American history and to think that the Chickasaw Indians roamed this land freely, all those years ago.
Then off to the Rotary quilt show where antique quilts, vendors and a challenge of miniature quilts of past and present presidents were on display
DH and Elva, our wonderful host in Paducah.
The entry the the quilt show.
Their was a collection of military antique quilts as well.
No explanation needed.
Red work quilt.
Explanation of red work quilt.
This quilt is dedicated to all the states in the US.
Just because I am so n Kentucky.
I especially loved this quilt, which was boderie pursed, all hand quilted.
This quilt was all Suffolk puffs.
The room with the minature challenge of past and present presidents was separate, each quilter that participated were sent an image of a particular president and icons added to make that particular president unique. As there was a lot of minature quilts, I only took photos of the ones that I thought was interesting.
All hand quilted, very neat work.
Not to be missed, Abraham Lincoln
George Washington, hard too see by this photo, but there was a lot of hand embroidery on this minature.
The present president, Barak Obama
One of the vendors at the Rotary show was Hoopla Patterns, I had the opportunity to chat with Francie Hoffhine Quinn. Francie, was intrigued that I had travelled all the way from Australia, as she has a dear friend that lives in QLD. Francie has reproduced antique quilts into patterns, a lot of the quilts in the Shelburn museum in Vermont. SHe has also written the book called "Enduring Grace"which entails 6 patterns, one being the Sarah Johnson quilt, which I hope to make one day. Francie has also reproduced Florence Peto quilt, "The Calico Garden"
All in all a great quilt show, stay tuned for more adventures.

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