Sunday, 2 August 2015

Camden Quilt show- The Spirit of Anzac.

Being 2015 and the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli, the Camden quilt show, this year is dedicated to the Spirit of ANZAC.

The Camden quilt show is always held on the first weekend in August.
The quilt show coincides with an antique market as well. It is usually a great day out with plenty to do and see. 
Camden is a lovely little village on the outskirts of Narellan in the south west of Sydney, with many small boutique shops and great cafe's. The drive along the Northern road usually takes 1 hour but on the way there was is a lot to see. My fist stop is at Luddenham where a little trash and treasure market is held in the church grounds. It is always on the first Saturday and it is rare, not to go home without a bargain. Next stop is Cobbity markets, this is a lot bigger market with all sorts of fine produce, collectables and quality handicrafts, also a great time out to grab a coffee and some delicious treat for the journey.
Upon arrival into Camden I park, pay my entry into the hall where the quilt show is held and I head straight to the stall holders table, where on display and for sale are fantastic handmade goods, fun is had by all and lots of handmade goods are purchased. 

Below are just a couple of quilts that I really liked.
English Blooms by Christine Burrows, a Margaret Sampson George pattern.

Summer Flowers by Nadine Capaldi, inspired by Sue Cody.

Noodle Box by Michelle Colbran, a design by Chris Jurd, this quilt was hand and machine quilted by Michelle.

Fire and Ice by Birgit Hoffman

Vintage Bloooms By Janette Looms, made and quilted by Janette, this quilt features 552 different fabrics.

Viv's Heritage Sewing Collectables
Viv at her stall and all the wonderful sewing memorabilia for purchase, a great selection of collectables, all sought, bought and beautifully restored by Viv herself, with the wonderful help of her dear hubby Ernie. 
Viv's stall is always beautifully presented, great to fossick through and pick up a bargain. The sewing memorabilia is sourced from all over the world.
Viv with her offsider, Virginia.
I hope you enjoyed the journey, until next time.
"Lest we Forget"

1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful long week end .We meet up with great friends every year and enjoy many cuppas and eat far to much. All the stall holders are friendly and very helpful.Someone will have that little treasure you have been looking for .This year the Camden Quilter displayed the best quilts I have seen for a long time.I am looking forward to next year .
    Thank you Heather for showing our Stall we did put in lots of hard work this year ..
    Thanks Vivienne and Ernie
