Thursday, 21 May 2015

Sevilla, Spain.

Let's get all the nasties out of the way, I am pleased to report that DH has recovered from his lurgy. He caught the flu from our UK coach tour, as did many others. After 10 days he has finally stopped coughing. My event was a fall in Madrid, fell quite hard and hurt my right arm and right hip, slowly healing, at least I can sew again, after 6 days, had to wait for the swelling to go down.
Bruise is slowly healing.

I cannot believe that I did not write about what is a very important art to the Spanish people, We would consider it a sport or entertainment, (maybe to some people) and that is bull fighting. 
DH and I chose not to attend one of these events. There were tickets on offer, but we declined. 
What is interesting about these fights are how they sell the seats, in the sun, shade or sun/shade. Price varies on where you sit. When the bull fight is over and the Matadors do well, flags are waved, if they continue to wave he gets one ear of the bull, if the crowd feels that he has been very brave, he will get two ears, so on and so on. The bull is then killed with the sword and sold off for meat at the end of the fight.
A brave matador
A couple in our tour group, attended the bull fight and the young matador was gored by the bull, the bull's horn gored near his jugular vein and in the stomach, the matador is on the critical list, apparently he was gored last year as well. Makes you wonder why they go back for more.
The bull ring arena in Madrid
Bronze statues of famous Matadors.
After leaving Portugal we  re-entered Spain and onto Sevilla, what a gorgeous city, we had the opportunity to attend a flamenco show.
The next day we explored the city of Sevilla, we visited the ruins of Italia, after visiting Ephesusus in Kurdashi, Turkey, these ruins were not very impressive. The only bit worth mentioning was the tiled mosaic floors in the ruins, otherwise not much to write home about.
The entry into Italia
Same entry, this was the only green area.
Mosaic tiled floor of a swimming pool, apparently the houses were quite large.
I can see lots of patchwork patterns in this tiled floor.
After Italia we visited the Sevilla Cathederal, the name is too long to remember. 
Horses outside the Cathederal.
This Cathederal also holds the coffin of Christopher Columbus.
The Cathederal in Sevilla has the Guinness book of records for being the world's largest.
Dressing room of the popes.
As always these Cathederal 's are elaborately decorated.
After the visit to the Cathederal, we walked 30 mins to the Espana Plasa, so pleased we actually took the effort to do this on such a hot day, what a beautiful square with the most gorgeous tiled buildings. each city in Spain is represented with a tile picture and it's coat of arms as well.
A canal flows through the square and boats can be hired to row on the canal.
Tiled staircases.
Tiled bridges with boats underneath.
Tiled city and coat of arms.
After visiting the Plasa we had tapas, then back to the hotel for a swim. We leave Sevilla to drive to Tarif to catch the ferry for Morrocco. So begins our next adventure.

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