Tuesday, 2 September 2014

3 days and counting to Quilts on the Downs

It is all go at Heathton Manor, quilts delivered, room cleared for hanging of our quilts. seating and eating area has been set up. When you visit, take the time to indulge in our yummy treats. Stall areas and gazebo set up and some glaming on our street, has occurred.  My wonderful sister has been busy in the kitchen, doing prep work. Only 3 days to go, so come and support a very needy charity, as well as viewing our wonderful quilts from the talented Windsor Downs quilters.

Our entertainment area cleaned and cleared for display of our quilts.

Gazebo set up, ready for our wares to be displayed and sold.

My darling sister, busy in the kitchen.

Glaming up our street.
Enjoy our treats in our family orientated area.
Say hello, when you vist!


  1. Love the yarn bombing! I think the word is spreading! Just pray for good weather.

  2. That sure is one long table! Looking forward to seeing everything, including 'that' shirt!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Couldn't contril Saturday's weather, but everyone involved take a bow! Heather you did a fantastic job. Loved it all. Vicki

  5. Thank you for opening your house for all. My sister came with me and was the lucky quilt winner. She is so excited

  6. Pleased to hear that Debi, I had the pleasure of meeting your sister today, such a worthy recipient. Thank you for visiting.
