Saturday, 29 June 2013


Previously I have posted and talked about the religious paintings that I bought in Peru, well I have had one framed and I am very pleased with the result.  This was one of the arc angels that was painted on a door in the hotel we stayed at in Cuzco. The arc angel that I bought and had framed is also pictured below.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Iguazu Falls

YouTube video of Iguazu Falls
One of our fellow travellers on our recent trip to South America, videoed our exciting ride on a jet boat, whilst at Iguazu Falls on the Argentina side. We all had a very memorable day spent in the national park and on the river. Posted below for all to share is our ride. Enjoy.

Religious Icons

On our recent trip to Peru, I was impressed by the art work that was displayed in the hotels that we stayed , most of them depicted a religious scene, with Jesus, as an infant and the mother Mary, as well as arch angels and family scenes etc.. One of the hotels that we stayed in Cusco, had a large painting of an arch angel on a door, and smaller versions framed  in the rooms that we stayed.  With me seeing this, I knew then that I had to have some of these paintings to possess. I then set my self  a mission to find them. My hubby being used to me being stubborn and not give up until mission accomplished,  diligently followed me through all the art galleries and markets.

Unframed paintings

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Simple pleasures

With just celebrating a birthday, I was given some handmade cards and was delighted by the imagination of some people and how some of these cards have been created. I especially loved the one made by my daughter-in-law. One of my many gifts was a wooden apple which I just adore.
 A wooden apple with a metal leaf, simplistic and makes a statement

Made by my daughter-in-law

Another handmade card.

Bernina Club

When I purchased my Bernina 440 last year I signed up for the bernina club. The shop I bought it from holds these classes twice monthly. I highly recommend these classes as it is a great way to get to know your machine and all it capabilities. Today I attended a class at The Craft Depot and we used the BSR foot, with variegated thread, learnt how to free motion and we all made a cushion cover.
Bernina 440

Great fabric warehouse where the lessons are held.

The beginning of the cushion, fabric by an Australian designer

The finished cushion, piping and button completed.

Sunday, 23 June 2013


What an enjoyable few days in prelude to my birthday, I  Feel very spoilt by my wonderful family. Great night out Saturday, with my children who are such a delight.  Nothing is better than spending time with one's family. My daughter in-law arranged a lunch at Vaucluse House tea rooms and a tour of the house and gardens. This house was built by William Charles Wentworth, an English gentleman who was in Australia, from 1827 to 1862 he was also one of the first explorers to cross the Blue Mountains. He lived with his wife Sara and their 10 children in this house. Sunday was an enjoyable day out in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, even though we had torrential rain and was difficult getting around in the wet weather.
Vaucluse House

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Craft in Brazil

Finished night duty for this month, had a very busy night with multiple emergency calls, pleased to go home to bed. The weather is now getting quite cold and we had our first frost this morning. Rain is predicted over the next few days, must prepare for bunking down and doing some indoor activities, maybe some sewing. Over the last few days have done a lot of prep work for my texas wheel blocks and outside cream for my Lucy Boston squares. I am quite proud of fellow Australian's and our love of art, craft and quilting and feel that we turn out some great designs and quality workmanship. Whilst in Brazil in April I had the opportunity to go to a few craft markets and got too look at what was being created overseas, what I saw was folk arty and naïve, each item was individualistic, bright and colourful, like South America.
Very bright children T-Shirts

Plastic bag holders, who remembers these...

Friday, 21 June 2013

Wonders of the world

As mentioned previously, I have just returned from a holiday in South America. My husband was very reluctant to travel to this country because of  poor reviews and bad travel warnings, needless to say I bullied him into going, so with some reluctance he accompanied me and had the time of his life. We travelled to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru on an Intrepid tour. On this tour we were  rewarded with a fantastic group of people as well as a great tour leader. I would highly recommend travelling to South America, especially Peru. Peru is a magical place and I am sure that anyone who has travelled to Peru would agree. On this trip we saw three wonders of the world, so if you have a bucket list that needs to be ticked, go to South America. As with all travel, caution is required.
Back view of Christ The Redeemer, stands 30 feet high, arm span is 28 feet wide
Front view of Christ the Redeemer
Iguazsu Falls Brazil side.

Macchu Piccu Peru

Miniature quilts

My fascination with miniature quilts started quite awhile ago, I first saw a quilt which was a 4 inch square made out of tiny hexagons. This  inspired me to make a few. In January this year I did summer school with Anne Sommerlad, who designed a miniature quilt which is made up of twenty 2 1/2 inch blocks, foundation pieced. I enjoyed the class and  was quite pleased with the result. 
I also purchased a doll quilt book by Kathleen Tracey and have made one of the doll quilts with my twist. Recently at the Quilt and Craft Fair in the Exhibition building, Darling Harbour, Sydney, there was a display of miniature quilts, the workmanship on the quilts were stunning and a credit to the makers.

 A small tumbler quilt, drawn up by Christine Book.
An adaptation 0f Kathleen Tracey doll's quilts
Foundation pieced 2 1/2'' blocks, Anne Sommerlad design.

Some eye candy from the recent Quilt fair in Sydney

Just a small display of miniature quilts at the recent Quilt and Craft Fair in Sydney

Thursday, 20 June 2013

20.6.2013 Night Duty

Returned to duty last night on nights, I work 10 hour shifts and each month see's me working 4 -5 nights. After 39 years of being a nurse I am still not used to working in the night time. When the children were small I did night duty as a necessity, so my hubby and I could minimise childcare. When you work nights for a number of months, it becomes routine and you get used to existing on 4- 5 hours sleep. With one getting older now, I am finding it harder to exist through the day, mainly sleep and do not get out of my PJ's. The good thing about being on nights, is through the day I can catch up on a lot of preparation for my next quilt and some hand sewing. Something below that I am working on..

Working night duty in the winter months, is always a challenge for our retrieval teams, because of the availability of Fixed wing and Rotary wing aircraft due to freezing levels and fog. The only way to get the teams to children that are sick, is by road. NSW is a large area to cover and it may take a number of hours to reach certain hospitals. Teams have had to drive for 3-4 hours at times. The good thing about winter, is the hearty soups, I am always trying to find new soup recipes, that I can make.  When in Peru recently I had a Peruvian soup that had quinoa in it, I found some recipes in Good Taste and have cooked it, a great tasting soup.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


I have just returned from a trip to South America and on our return, the garden was quite overgrown and needed some attention. As I work fulltime and live on 1 1/4 acres and have an established garden. I have the help of a gardener, who has been working quite hard to do  a general tidy up. We have also had a healthy amount of rain in the last few months, so everything has got out of control. Amazing what removal of a few weeds and trimming of trees, can achieve.

My mother-in-law who is 89 years old had a hip replacement last Friday and apart from being confused came through the operation quite well. Hubby will be going to visit tomorrow as she has been discharged after eight days and is now at home. On each visit I make a jam tart for her.  Mum loves this tart and used to make it herself, but now no longer cooks, so now it is my role to keep on the family tradition. The tart has my homemade plum jam and is dusted with icing sugar as well.


Sunday, 16 June 2013

Lucy Boston Block's

After a busy 10 hours at work on Sunday, coordinating medical intensive care teams to sick babies and children all over Sydney and rural NSW, my 40 hours for the week is complete. I will return to  nightduty midweek. On completion of duty Sunday afternoon at 1700hrs, I drove the 45 minutes home, making a few phone calls to pass the time. Arrival at home immediately, got stuck into the house work. Vacuumed, dusted and cleaned the bathrooms. The method for my madness... Monday I want to go to see the "Great Gatsby. I have heard mixed review, so off too see it today. In the afternoon after the movie, will do the ironing, then my few days off will be dedicated to some sewing.

For the last 12 months I have been sewing Lucy Boston's squares, also known as Patchwork of the Crosses. Lucy was inspirational with her sewing and sewed into her 80's, with very poor eyesight. What is intriguing about these squares is the fussy cutting of fabric, how they are placed and the cross that forms the square disappears. I have completed 36 of these squares and not sure if I will do the 56 that Lucy did. I have used a variety of creams around the squares, as suggested by my friend Chris Book, as I complete the squares I sew the 24 cream/ shirting elongated hexagons around the square for completion. When I come to sew them together, I will only have 2,200 1" squares to sew together..

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Wearable Handmade

For some time now I have been wanting to make a jacket with an assortment of different fabrics and add buttons
and unusual motifs that I have collected on my journeys. With the help of my very good friend Sandy, this was made possible. I made some fabric from an assortment of patchwork, dress and furnishing fabrics and Sandy made the jacket for me. 

A closer view of  the buttons used.

Overall a great effort from us both and very comfortable to wear. A number of generous comments from the crowds at the recent quilt show in Sydney.

Friday, 14 June 2013

I've caught the blog

I Have been wanting to commence a blog for a number of years now, and finally got round to it, so please be patient as I am learning as I go. I love to sew and would like to share what I make.
I have visited the annual quilt show in Sydney on Wednesday the 12th June and I did not spend a cent, this is extraordinary for me who usually spends 100;s of dollars at these events. The reason why... is because at the moment I feel overwhelmed with the amount of fabric and craft items in my possession. So I am now going to try and use what I have and only buy what I need... famous last words, will keep you updated on this.